Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy Holidays


The holidays are rapidly approaching and I hope everyone has made enough money online to buy the gifts that you wanted to buy whether they were for you or others. This season was an amazing opportunity to make extra money with several sites such as LetsBreakRecords, PaidTheFastest, Neobux, etc due to them having Christmas Bonus contests. Many sites are still running their bonus contests so that people like you and I can cash out a nice amount right before Christmas.

I, however; am done with classes for the semester and will be headed home tomorrow to spend the holidays with the family. I will be unavailable until after the New Year. I just want to wish everyone Happy Holidays.

With a New Year rolling around, that makes for more money making opportunities that we all can share. Below I have added links to several sites that I either trust, have reviewed, and recommend to anyone trying to make some extra cash. For the new year, I will be taking requests to review new sites. If you want to put in a request, just email me. My contact information can be found under the contact button at the top of the page.

Recommended Sites